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Who Am I?

Hi there. I'm Bratty Slut.

I'm a Big Bold & Beautiful Woman in my 30s with a vibrant, fun, crazy and playful personality. I'm serious and dominating when I'm at work but otherwise, I do behave at times as my child-like bratty self. It's really one's luck on the personality and the characteristics they see in me for I strongly follow my mood and the feeling of the moment.

I'm new into BDSM - only started exploring in July 2018. The journey was one that's long awaited as it had been my desire since the age of 5. At that time, I couldn't understand it and I ran away from it. In Asia, sex is sacred, dirty and wrong - or so I thought. Hence, for years I've lived in the shadows. Growing tremendously as a person and falling ridiculously at the very same time. As I kept ignoring myself, the further I find myself torn... sabotaging everything I have along the way - friendship, relationships, family, career, business and my life. Until I realized, what else more can I lose when I am not my entire self. 

A little more about me:

I'm considered a Little, a Middle, a Brat, a Sub with slave tendencies in  BDSM.

I have been Owned and been in a relationship with my Master / Daddy since October 2018. I'm polyamory (meaning can be in more than one emotionally attached dynamics/relationship where all parties knows of each other's presence) and am in several other dynamics alongside with my Owner's.

I'm a lover of cute, soft stuffies - especially piggies.
I'm pretty needy and I definitely an attention seeker.
I'm a foodie - I love eating & cooking.
And I love writing - my experience, dreams, and fantasies.

Hence, this blog is to share about my exploration and for me to express myself through writing Erotica and poetry. Most of my stuff will be shared here.

If you're interested in writing with me, do buzz me at my email -

PS: I'll not be bothered to reply to messages on sex, play, and any other indecent kinds of stuff.


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